

Seen December 2022


📺 Ultrawide




Quality (7)


Enjoyment (7)


Disappointment (-1)

Score 74%

Why did I rewatch

Well cause Avatar 2 is out and probably gonna watch sometime next week, also have not properly rewatched this movie in like a decade minimum - I saw it when it came out in theatres but I was like 9 and then a couple of times on TV - I remember a fairly boring slog that looked cool
I was pleasantly surprised - the movie is way better paced than I remember, the first hour/hour and a half go by really well where you are learning about pandora and their culture, and even after that it goes by decently well.
There is definitely some uncanny valley in some places but most of it holds up, most of the cg is def top notch even for today (tho honestly we've mostly regressed in cg quality tbh)
the music is really good? like really good I don't remember that at all
I do think Jake sully is kinda boring and Sam Worthington isn't good enough as the lead, Matt Damon would've def been better but maybe too comedic. I think in this regard most of the cast is extremely sub parr at best, only Zoe Saldana and Sigourney Weaver are good, and I think this also hurts people connecting with the cast and generating hype in that way - I realise cameron was trying to pick fairly unknown people and be a tastemaker like he was with leo but didn’t work here. I think this movie would be at least 20-30% better with better actors as Jake, the military dude, the side science dude, the corporate dude.
All that said overall was very pleasantly surprised with this movie, am I going to revisit it all that frequently no? do I think it is great no? but it is not as horrible as I remember it being
Also Pandora is ONLY a moon? like wtf how did I not ever no know? and it is like one of 4-6 moons? around a main way bigger planet? Like are we gonna get to visit the other moons?